Greetings from Bluestar Global Trade Project Finance Ltd,
I wish to invite you to Join our principle office, Bluestar
Global Trade Project Finance Ltd which is a financial service
company, whose main focus is to create the right regulatory and
legal framework for the financial service firms to operate
within our jurisdiction in order to assure the development of a
sound financial company with the highest national standard of
best business practices, Bluestar Global Trade Project Finance
Ltd is one of the largest Finance Company in the European
Countries, with over $3 trillion private and corporate
investment portfolios.
We are privately looking for fiduciary agents and management
experts who will be willing to act as investment portfolio
holders and administrators.
Also involved in the referral business, promoting financial
service institutions, and providing finances, loans,
sponsorship, joint venture or
procuring investments projects that have not been initiated
With over £3 trillion private and corporate investment
Currently have a back-log of an Excess Maximum Return Capital
Profit (EMRCP) of an average of 1.2% on each private investment
and corporate
portfolio under our administration and control now to put it
under the management of private businessmen and corporations
with good business
ideas that can generate at least 10% ROI per annul over maximum
of 5 years duration. The fund will be disbursed based on a
clear loan of 3% interest rate per annul for 5 years renewable.
All sign-up contracts, briefings and investment portfolio
management files will be handled in United Kingdom, USA,
If you want to participate do indicate the part which you
choose to participate.
- Want to be an Agent/Broker?
- Investment Offer?
- Do you need a Loan?
- Partnership/Incorporation?
For further details contact me directly for more information.
Best Regards,
Mr Arthur Lee Peterson ,
Bluestar Global Trade Project Finance Ltd
Copyright 2013 Bluestar Global Trade Project Finance Ltd, All