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29 abril 2017
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26 abril 2017
This is your opportunity to get a 20 bagger in the market very fast
There's this really awesome small bio technology firm which has discovered something ground breaking,
and because of this unprecedented discovery they're about to be bought out for a little over 20 times their current value.
One of the most prominent large firms in America is about to make this news public.
When that happens, the small company's stock is going to virtually go up more than twenty three fold overnight.
Let me put this in perspective for you. It means that every 10 thousand bucks you put in this will turn into almost a quarter million when the news is out.
This guy has always been right so far. In fact if you remember, the tip I gave you last year� the one on which you made 15x in 2 weeks was from him. Yes, that's right.
So before I forget, here is the stock symbol.. It's the 1st letter of each of the following words: Quickly Super Mouse Green
I'm giving it to you in �code� in order to avoid potentially prying eyes, in case you are at the office, a cafe or something.
So with the first letter of each of these words, you've got your four letter symbol.
Input this in your online account to buy the stock or call your broker and give it to him and he will make the purchase for you.
One last thing, I don't know if I am the only one who knows this information so it's possible that the price will go up on other people buying,
but nonetheless if you can get in at under a buck twenty, I really recommend you jump on it as soon as physically possible.
Best Wishes,
Joaquin Ingram
Your chance to make an amazing move is quickly slipping away
There is an acquisition about to be completed by a very large company.
They're buying out a small medical firm at more than 20 times what it's currently trading at.
This means that every ten thousand bucks you put in will turn into two hundred grand the moment the announcement becomes public.
The symbol for this company is the first letter of each of the following words: Quick, Should, Must, Get.
These 4 letters are what you must type in to your brokerage account or tell your broker in order to get the shares.
I really, really recommend you move on it quickly because the announcement will become public at any day now and this may be your last chance to get in before it's too late.
Best Wishes,
Sonya Hall
25 abril 2017
By tomorrow evening this stock will be twenty times higher
I outlined very specifically a game plan for you to make more than 20 times on your principle within the next 48 hours.
Let me hit you with the gravy and leave out all the boring details� there's a friend of mine who works at a top 50 firm upstate and he was privy to details of a take over.
In a nutshell there is a very large pharmaceutical company (its name starts with a P) who is finalizing the acquisition of a small public corporation that is currently trading at around 80 cents.
The take over price will be a little over 20 bucks and the official announcement is coming tomorrow night (wed night).
They're paying this much for it because of a novel stem cell treatment which eradicates cancer.
I don't need to tell you what will happen to the share price when this announcement hits the news outlets.
The company's trading symbol is Q as in Quest, S as in Sam, M as in Mother, G as in Great.
These are the 4 letters you need to type into your brokerage account to buy the stock or give to your broker over the phone.
Just ten thousand bucks into this will turn into over two hundred grand by Thursday morning.
You need to act quickly though because it seems I may not be the only one with this information, as I am seeing the price creep up a little already since Monday.
Best Regards,
Jasper Mathews
24 abril 2017
I have a tip to share with you
I've done a lot for you over the years and you've made an insane amount of profits listening to me.
Today and tomorrow is your last chance to seize the opportunity before it disappears.
My good friend who works at a firm I will not mention in upstate NY told me that a big takeover is about to happen.
A little American biopharma company discovered a new treatment for cancerous tumors and one of the biggest companies (starts with a P) is going to announce the official takeover on Wednesday (in 2 days).
The price at which this will happen more than 20 times what their stock is trading at now. Literally at 23 bucks a share from a current 80 cents.
Write this symbol down, it's the first letter of each word: Quest Science Management Gate that's q followed by s then m and g
This is the 4 letter symbol you need to tell your broker you want to buy, or just type it in yourself in your brokerage.
I hope you're ready to make it big. I expect a big thank you and an invite for steak this weekend.
Best Regards,
Theo Page
This time sensitive information could make you very wealthy
This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.
My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.
Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.
If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.
I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.
This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.
Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.
King Regards,
Miriam Holmes
This time sensitive information could make you very wealthy
This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.
My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.
Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.
If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.
I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.
This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.
Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.
King Regards,
Earlene Rice
20 abril 2017
You got me very interested. I would really like to know you closer!
I want to communicate with you and learn about your interests, hobbies.
I hope for mutual understanding and possible reciprocity.
Actually, I would like to meet and talk with an interesting and nice man!
What's up
My name is Violette, what's yours? I can not wait to meet you in private.
I was going to have a nice talk with you in chat but you had gone offline.
May I ask you to write me a few words some day? Trust me, it's going to be lots of fun.
I'll be waiting for your letter...
Do not respond to this message, reply to address rakoroleva1989@rambler.ru
Love and kisses,
19 abril 2017
Its Dinara here, I am from Krasnodar, Russia.
The people here, especially the women are much warm or even hot just like predominant climate we have.
Of course the most beautiful girls on our planet are in Russia!!!
Ok, majority of the beautiful girls of our planet, well that should be agreeable I think.
Do you want to find them?
I can tell you how, please join this site where I have enrolled myself and so are thousands of those beauties which we just now mentioned above.
This premium online dating website provides you with anonymity, convenience, and freedom of choice along with a wide range of communication methods.
Don't sit bored in your solitude and waste your time.
Believe in your destiny and join me at this site, come on and click http://superdateb.ru/?userID=CCD7B4E6738A
Its Dinara here, I am from Krasnodar, Russia.
The people here, especially the women are much warm or even hot just like predominant climate we have.
Of course the most beautiful girls on our planet are in Russia!!!
Ok, majority of the beautiful girls of our planet, well that should be agreeable I think.
Do you want to find them?
I can tell you how, please join this site where I have enrolled myself and so are thousands of those beauties which we just now mentioned above.
This premium online dating website provides you with anonymity, convenience, and freedom of choice along with a wide range of communication methods.
Don't sit bored in your solitude and waste your time.
Believe in your destiny and join me at this site, come on and click http://superdatey.ru/?userID=4296AB5C140
18 abril 2017
This stock tip is for your eyes only. The chance may never come again
This medicine has been proven in both lab tests, and human tests to destroy tumors in almost 50% of of instances.
For all practical purposes, I would call it a cure for one of the most deadly diseases of our times.
Being the type of person that I am, I asked myself how we can profit from this information.
The answer is very simple. Within the next week or two, QSMG will make the announcement public and once they do, their stock will go up to over 20 bucks overnight.
So the trick is to grab shares right now, while their price is still dirt cheap and while nobody knows what's about to come.
This is how you get your big break. This is how your life will finally change. Take the leap forward.
Best Regards,
Aurora Justice
17 abril 2017
Do not miss on this chance to triple your money in the market
I have it on good information that a small biotech company is about to receive approval from the f d a for a life-saving medicine.
This medicine is poised to become the next biggest seller in the world as it has just been shown to kill cancer.
This is why there has been a lot of activity surrounding the stock. People are trading it on wrong information, and it's in the red today because of that.
I highly suggest that you buy in right now while fools are getting out, and the stock is cheap because it's going to go up twenty fold in the next 2 weeks
when the public announcement comes out, and the medicine is officially approved. Move quickly though, because otherwise you will miss out.
The opportunity to buy QSMG at these discounts will not last long, and you will regret you didn't jump in when you had the chance.
This trading idea could tenfold your portfolio this month
You must read on to understand why you must act quickly for your benefit, and the benefit of your friends and family.
If you recall, I told you that I have a friend who works at the food and drug administration who told me about a small company that has just completed human trials for a life-saving cancer therapy.
It seems that in about forty percent in instances, cancer receded. This is an enormous number.
There is nothing else on the market at the moment that can save 40% of patients with breast or prostate cancer.
This drug does.
The small company�s stock is going to go up from 2 dollars to over 30 dollars the moment that this announcement is made public within the next two weeks.
Your window opportunity to buy shares of QSMG is quickly closing. You must act quickly before you miss out.
This trading idea could tenfold your portfolio this month
You must read on to understand why you must act quickly for your benefit, and the benefit of your friends and family.
If you recall, I told you that I have a friend who works at the food and drug administration who told me about a small company that has just completed human trials for a life-saving cancer therapy.
It seems that in about forty percent in instances, cancer receded. This is an enormous number.
There is nothing else on the market at the moment that can save 40% of patients with breast or prostate cancer.
This drug does.
The small company�s stock is going to go up from 2 dollars to over 30 dollars the moment that this announcement is made public within the next two weeks.
Your window opportunity to buy shares of QSMG is quickly closing. You must act quickly before you miss out.
15 abril 2017
Construccion y Desarrollo de Equipos de Alto Rendimiento
Especialistas en Capacitación, Comercial, Motivacional y Desarrollo Humano.
Tiene el honor de invitarlo a su SEMINARIO TALLER denominado:
Hoy día no basta tener un "buen" equipo de trabajo, actualmente es imprescindible desarrollar equipos blindados a los siguientes factores:
Gerentes, Jefes, Coordinadores de grupos, Supervisores y en general a todos quienes tengan la responsabilidad y la función de liderar, motivar y construir equipos de trabajo.
Transmitir a los líderes los elementos básicos para la construcción de equipos de alto rendimiento.
· Propósito común de los equipos.
· Valores y filosofía organizacional.
· Clasificar a colaboradores por sus talentos y establecer roles.
· El estrés, ¡Una realidad!
· Reacciones al estrés.
· Manejo de la presión y el estrés como competencia a desarrollar
· Desarrollo de la tolerancia y el trabajo bajo alta presión.
· Comunicando objetivos y metas.
· Liderazgo.
· Enriqueciendo al equipo.
· Diseñando perfiles.
· Selección por competencias.
· Entrevista profunda.
· Plan de acción.
Al término del seminario el participante identificará las estrategias a seguir para enriquecer, incrementar, capacitar o renovar su equipo de trabajo para que empate con los intereses de la empresa utilizando de manera eficaz sus habilidades, talento y competencias.
· Seminario
· Material Impreso en Carpeta.
· Constancia de participación con validez S.T.P.S.
· 10 puntos para EPC y S.T.P.S.
· Coffee Break contínuo.
· Lunch al medio día
· Cuota preferencial de estacionamiento (donde aplique)
09:00 – 20:00 hrs.
21 de Abril Ciudad de México (Holiday Inn Suites Zona Rosa)
25 de Abril Guadalajara, Jal. (City Express Plus Expo)
28 de Abril Monterrey, N. L. (Crowne Plaza Centro Histórico)
Cuota Anticipada: $ 3,990 más IVA (Válido hasta 4 días hábiles antes del evento)
Cuota Regular: $ 4,450 más IVA
Tarifa especial a grupos de 4 o mas personas.
Cotizaciones especiales para grupos cerrados en cualquier parte del país y para cualquier día de la semana (hábiles e inhábiles).
Depósito o transferencia a cuenta:
Cuenta Numero: 0443014608
CLABE: 072 700 00443014608 8
A nombre de: Formación de Gente Exitosa, S.C.
Informes y reservaciones
Lic. Lupita De la Cruz
01 800 890 05 65
01 444 8201847
Móvil y WhatsApp: 444 122 9304
Correo electrónico:
Invertir en conocimientos produce siempre los mejores beneficios
Gracias por su participación y confianza.
Su correo electrónico pudo haber sido obtenido por recomendación de participantes en nuestros seminarios Comerciales, Motivacionales, Fiscales/Contables y Desarrollo Humano o bien, a petición directa del interesado.
Si desea ser eliminado de nuestra lista de contactos y dejar de recibir información de nuestros eventos, sólo responda este correo con la palabra BAJA en la línea de ASUNTO.
De acuerdo a la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, aprobada el 13 de abril de 2010, en los artículos 3, Fracciones II y VII, y 33, así como la denominación del capítulo II, del Título Segundo de la Ley Federal de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública Gubernamental, hacemos de su conocimiento que Formación de Gente Exitosa,SC MR NO TRANSFIERE INFORMACIÓN PERSONAL A TERCEROS.
Amablemente le solicitamos que, si usted desea darse de baja de nuestra lista de correos, y no recibir más comunicación de nosotros, por favor responda este mensaje especificando BAJA en el renglón ASUNTO, y será eliminado de nuestros registros, es muy importante que si tiene varias cuentas, lo haga desde la cuenta donde le llega el mismo.
Le recordamos que Formación de Gente Exitosa, SC MR sólo promueve valores empresariales, sin el afán de molestarle o de poner en peligro sus datos. Formación de Gente Exitosa, SC Proporciona un servicio de información y promoción, siempre bajo su consentimiento y conformidad. Se entenderá que el titular consiente tácitamente el tratamiento de sus datos, cuando habiéndole enviado este aviso de privacidad, no manifieste su oposición.
13 abril 2017
Here is a tip that could change your life
This is why I am sending you this message today. Earlier this week he told me about a
company that has found a way to kill cancer tumors in 40% of all breast and prostate cases.
While this isn't a one hundred percent method, it works good enough to save over 50 million lives a year.
The company just completed human trials a couple of weeks ago and have yet to release the results.
Once those positive results hit the public, the company's shares are going to go nuts.
QSMG is currently at under 3 bucks a share. I can guarantee that it will pass 25 to 30 before the end of the
month when those results are out.
Act quickly by getting in now and securing yourself a position ahead of the herd.
An imminent event is sending this stock price through the roof.
They have proven its efficacy in animal tests and have recently just completed their testing on humans.
The results of the tests on the human subjects are not out yet, we are expecting them to become public some time in the next two to three weeks,
but a friend of mine who works at the FDA told me that they are life changing.
It seems that in around forty percent of cases, tumors were successfully destroyed. This number is absolutely huge!
It means that more than a third of the people with cancer can be cured with this therapy.
This is going to change the world, and once the announcement becomes public,
it is guaranteed that their stock price will go to more than 24 to 30 bucks in a matter of hours.
This is why I highly, highly recommend that you buy QSMG as soon as you can today. Get in ahead of the herd.
12 abril 2017
An imminent green light from the fda will send this drug maker soaring.
The doctors at QSMG have been working nonstop for more than 20 years to get to this moment a cure for cancer.
They completed animal trials last year which were very positive, and completed human trials just a few days ago with the fda's blessing.
The results are not out yet but according to my sources, the human trials were very successful as well and cancer cells were successfully killed in 40% of all cases.
40% might not seem like a passing grade, but it is above and beyond what everyone was expecting. This makes it the most successful cancer drug on earth, and best of all it is non-invasive.
The results will be announced this month, and once they are out the stock will jump to $25 a share overnight and will continue up to $50 or more quickly after.
Want to feel like a genius? Buy QSMG right now while it's still at just 2 dollars, and wait it out 2 weeks. You will be rewarded handsomely.
11 abril 2017
This biotech has developed a cure for cancer and its shares are soaring.
He is an expert at this stuff and has never let me down before. After researching the company, it seems that he may be right.
I am going to buy 5,000 shares now because it's all I can afford, but you should buy as little or as many as you possibly can...
Their biotech arm, Stemvax has developed a cure for cancer and just completed successful human trials under the FDA's supervision.
The stock has jumped 3X already since last week and is guaranteed to go to at least 20 dollars this month based on his research.
Once QSMG's official announcements for the cure become public, there's no saying how high their share price will go.
I expect some very serious stuff to be announced in the coming 2 weeks. Act quickly so you don't miss out.
FDA approval is about to send this stock up fifty fold
They have a cure for cancer.
This biotech is run by some of the most prolific scientists in America. Together, they have more than 400 years of experience in the field and have more diplomas than we can even imagine.
Cancer kills 1 out of 4 people in our country and we have all been affected by it either directly or indirectly.
Who doesn't know someone who's died from it?
The company's scientists are targeting cancer using stem cells. They are able to identify the bad cells and destroy them without radiating the entire body (like is common with chemo).
Apart from saving millions of lives, their treatment will surely become the No1 selling drug on earth.
The company has already made serious headway thanks to nearly two decades of research.
This cutting edge biotech company has completed animal trials successfully and just wrapped up FDA-approved human trials last week.
The next step is the public announcement of those results, which we hear through the grapevine have beat all expectations and will change the world of medicine forever.
The results will be announced this month, and once they are out the stock will jump to $25 a share overnight and will continue up to $50 or more quickly after.
"Quest"'s biotech arm could have a cancer cure that can be totally effective in killing tumors in more than 40% of patients worldwide available in hospitals throughout the globe by the end of the year.
Once that happens, we're talking about a $1000 a share stock.
We're literally coming in at the last mile, out of no where, and grabbing profits from their last 2 decades of hard work.
Consider buying QSMG right now while it's still at under 5 dollars and make sure to tell all your friends to do the same before the price explodes.
FDA approval is about to send this stock up fifty fold
They have a cure for cancer.
This biotech is run by some of the most prolific scientists in America. Together, they have more than 400 years of experience in the field and have more diplomas than we can even imagine.
Cancer kills 1 out of 4 people in our country and we have all been affected by it either directly or indirectly.
Who doesn't know someone who's died from it?
The company's scientists are targeting cancer using stem cells. They are able to identify the bad cells and destroy them without radiating the entire body (like is common with chemo).
Apart from saving millions of lives, their treatment will surely become the No1 selling drug on earth.
The company has already made serious headway thanks to nearly two decades of research.
This cutting edge biotech company has completed animal trials successfully and just wrapped up FDA-approved human trials last week.
The next step is the public announcement of those results, which we hear through the grapevine have beat all expectations and will change the world of medicine forever.
The results will be announced this month, and once they are out the stock will jump to $25 a share overnight and will continue up to $50 or more quickly after.
"Quest"'s biotech arm could have a cancer cure that can be totally effective in killing tumors in more than 40% of patients worldwide available in hospitals throughout the globe by the end of the year.
Once that happens, we're talking about a $1000 a share stock.
We're literally coming in at the last mile, out of no where, and grabbing profits from their last 2 decades of hard work.
Consider buying QSMG right now while it's still at under 5 dollars and make sure to tell all your friends to do the same before the price explodes.