30 junio 2017



Expertos en Capacitación, Comercial, Motivacional y Desarrollo Humano.

Tiene el honor de invitarlo a su magno evento denominado:


(6 horas)

DIRIGIDO A: Equipos de ventas nuevos y no nuevos (identificar paradigmas, desempolvar, volver a lo básico, renovarse, innovar etc.), Gerentes Generales, Gerentes Comerciales, Gerentes de Mercadotecnia, Asesores de Ventas, Coordinadores de Ventas, Hostess de recepción al cliente y en general todos los que estén relacionados con la comercialización en la empresa.

OBJETIVO: Al término del seminario, los participantes identificarán de forma natural las oportunidades de negocio haciendo del proceso de ventas, un hábito natural para cautivar a sus clientes.


·         Proceso de la venta.

·         Perfil de un verdadero asesor comercial.

·         Aptitud y Actitud.

·         El lenguaje de la voz.

·         Argumentos que nos gusta oír y que NO nos gusta oír.

·         Dominio de mi producto igual a Pasión por mi producto.

·         Generación de necesidades de compra a partir de los motivos de compra.

·         Tipos de clientes.

·         Honestidad.

·         Estadística del cliente satisfecho e insatisfecho.

·         La importancia de mi cliente/prospecto.

·         Características y beneficios como constructoras de EMOCIONES.

·         Objeciones

·         El Cierre y sus miedos.

·         Técnicas de cierre.

·         Ambición como plan de vida.


·         Seminario de 6 horas.

·         Material Impreso en Carpeta.

·         Constancia de participación con validez S.T.P.S.

·         Coffee Break.

·         Cuota preferencial de estacionamiento (donde aplique)


15:00 a 21:00 hrs.


3 de Julio en la Ciudad de México.   (Fiesta Inn Centro Histórico)

5 de Julio en Monterrey, N.L.     (Crowne Plaza Centro Histórico)

7 de Julio en Puebla, Pue.   (Fiesta Inn Las Animas)

10 de Julio en San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.  (City Express)

11 de Julio en Aguascalientes, Ags.   (City Express sur)

12 de Julio en Querétaro, Qro.     (City Express Querétaro Jurica)

24 de Julio en Guadalajara, Jal.   (Country Plaza)


Cuota Anticipada: $ 2,990 más IVA válida hasta 4 días hábiles antes del evento.

Cuota Regular: $ 3,290 más IVA

Tarifa especial a grupos de 4 o más personas.

Impartimos a grupos cerrados en cualquier parte del país


Depósito o transferencia cuenta:

Banco:                      BANORTE

Cuenta Numero:   0443014608

CLABE:                      072 700 00443014608 8

A nombre de:         Formación de Gente Exitosa, S.C.


Informes y reservaciones

Lic. Anaissa Martínez Valencia

Lada sin costo: 01800 890 05 65

444 8201847

Móvil y WhatsApp: 444 122 9304

Correo electrónico;


"Invertir en conocimientos produce siempre los mejores beneficios"

Gracias por su participación y confianza.

Su correo electrónico pudo haber sido obtenido por recomendación de participantes en nuestros seminarios Comerciales, Motivacionales, Fiscales/Contables y Desarrollo Humano o bien, a petición directa del interesado. 

Si desea ser eliminado de nuestra lista de contactos y dejar de recibir información de nuestros eventos, sólo responda este correo con la palabra BAJA en la línea de ASUNTO.

De acuerdo a la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, aprobada el 13 de abril de 2010, en los artículos 3, Fracciones II y VII, y 33, así como la denominación del capítulo II, del Título Segundo de la Ley Federal de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública Gubernamental, hacemos de su conocimiento que Formación de Gente Exitosa,SC MR NO TRANSFIERE INFORMACIÓN PERSONAL A TERCEROS.

Amablemente le solicitamos que, si usted desea darse de baja de nuestra lista de correos, y no recibir más comunicación de nosotros, por favor responda este mensaje especificando BAJA en el renglón ASUNTO, y será eliminado de nuestros registros, es muy importante que si tiene varias cuentas, lo haga desde la cuenta donde le llega el mismo.
Le recordamos que Formación de Gente Exitosa, SC MR sólo promueve valores empresariales, sin el afán de molestarle o de poner en peligro sus datos. Formación de Gente Exitosa, SC Proporciona un servicio de información y promoción, siempre bajo su consentimiento y conformidad. Se entenderá que el titular consiente tácitamente el tratamiento de sus datos, cuando habiéndole enviado este aviso de privacidad, no manifieste su oposición.

26 junio 2017







A) DIRECTORIO de mas 18.5 millones de mails divididos por ESTADO en formato Excel.


B) DIRECTORIO de mas de 2.5 millones de empresas a nivel nacional en formato Excel con DATOS COMPLETOS. (Nombre de la Empresa, Contacto, Cargo, Mail, Telefono, Direccion, Giro, Web, ETC).


DESCRIPCION DE BASES POR ESTADO: (Nombre de la Empresa, Contacto, Cargo, Mail, Teléfono, Dirección, Giro, Web, ETC):


Aguascalientes / 60,900 registros con datos completos

Campeche / 15,000 registros con datos completos 

Quintana roo / 71,500 registros con datos completos

CD Obregón / 25,000 registros con datos completos

Chiapas / 15,400 registros con datos completos

Chihuahua / 25,300 registros con datos completos

Coahuila / 34,700 registros con datos completos

Colima / 12,000 registros con datos completos

Culiacán / 47,000 registros con datos completos

Durango / 38,587 registros con datos completos

Guadalajara / 840,000 registros con datos completos

Guamúchil / 3,000 registros con datos completos

Guanajuato / 45,000 registros con datos completos

Guasave / 3,000 registros con datos completos

Guaymas / 21,000 registros con datos completos

Guerrero / 24,500 registros con datos completos

Hermosillo / 72,500 registros con datos completos

Juárez / 17,300 registros con datos completos

Los Mochis / 3,500 registros con datos completos

Mazatlán / 20,000 registros con datos completos

Baja California / 30,200 registros con datos completos

Estado de Mexico / 100,430 registros con datos completos

Distrito Federal / 950,000 registros con datos completos

Monterrey / 1,000,200 registros con datos completos

Michoacán / 55,822 registros con datos completos

Morelos / 21,897 registros con datos completos

Navojoa / 1,592 registros con datos completos

Oaxaca / 30,756 registros con datos completos

Obregón / 21,000 registros con datos completos

Puebla / 30,590 registros con datos completos

Querétaro / 70,423 registros con datos completos

San Luis Potosí / 17,515 registros con datos completos

Tabasco / 14,967 registros con datos completos

Tamaulipas / 16,912 registros con datos completos

Nayarit / 20,866 registros con datos completos

Tlaxcala / 1,785 registros con datos completos

Torreón / 28,980 registros con datos completos

Veracruz / 112,653 registros con datos completos

Xalapa / 11,890 registros con datos completos

Yucatán / 21,391 registros con datos completos

Zacatecas / 10, 483 registros con datos completos

Zamora / 5,000 registros con datos completos

Hidalgo / 33,850 registros con datos completos

Baja California Sur / 31,210 registros con datos completos




1.8 Millones de ejecutivos divididos en 3 sectores empresariales

2.5 millones de mails de diferentes expos en Mexico

3.1 millones de mails varias industrias en todo Mexico

49,000 mails de Industria Farmacéutica

170,000 mails de Monterrey

34,000 mails de Querétaro

54,000 mails de Guadalajara

14,000 mails de Área Bancaria
129,000 mails de empresariales divididos por estado
11,000 mails de Cámaras de Comercio

29,000 mails de divididos por rubros

44,000 mails de Industria Constructora

22,000 mails de Industria Tecnológica

89,000 mails de pymes Ciudad de Mexico y Edo. Mexico

24,000 mails de Visitantes a Expos en Franquicias

Empresas de la Ciudad de Mexico y Edo. De Mexico.

Tequileras a Nivel nacional

Empresas en Guadalajara.

Empresas a nivel nacional (grande, mediana y pequeña)

Empresas en Monterrey.

Pymes a nivel nacional.

Bares, Hoteles, Restaurantes, Cantinas y Centros Nocturnos.

Empresas de la industria turística a nivel nacional.

Empresas de la industria manufacturera a nivel nacional.

Empresas con organigrama a nivel nacional.

Empresas del sector de la construcción a nivel nacional.

Empresas en sistemas.

Datos de universidades a nivel nacional.

Empresas medianas con número de empleados.

Empresas importantes en Mexico (gobierno, instituciones bancarias, etc.).

Áreas de salud a nivel nacional. (Médicos y Clínicas)

Empresas del sector de agricultura en Mexico.

Empresas medianas en el Edo. De Mexico.

Franquicias en Mexico.

Proveedores de Sonora




Promoción vigente esta semana del lunes 26 al viernes 30 de Junio del 2017.


Promoción: $3,999 + IVA

Precio normal: $8,000 + IVA


No son DATOS PERSONALES, son 100% Directorios Empresariales. Contamos con referencias comerciales. 


No lo piense mas, solo del lunes 26 al viernes 30 de Junio del 2017 podrá adquirir la base más completa en Mexico a un precio bastante bajo que no se volverá a repetir.




Diego Álvarez Ferrer

Directorios Empresariales


Cel. / Whatsapp: 04455 9164 4927

Disponible las 24 horas por whatsapp.


NOTA IMPORTANTE: Solo se respetara el precio a las personas que envíen sus datos y realicen el depósito antes ó el viernes 30 de Junio del 2017.




¿En qué formato viene la base?

R= Excel


¿Ustedes facturan sus servicios?

R= Todos nuestros productos y servicios son facturados. Su factura electrónica se envía a su correo


¿Su directorio se encuentra actualizado?

R= Todas nuestras bases de datos son depuradas en su totalidad cada 45 días como máximo, esto incluye varios procesos de depuración, como son la validez de dominio, de buzón, regionalización y encuestas a los receptores.


¿Cuentan con referencias comerciales?

R= Sí


¿De dónde obtuvieron los datos?

R= Somos una empresa que ADQUIRIMOS e INTERCAMBIAMOS DIRECTORIOS con otras EMPRESAS, además de acudir a expos a recolectar datos.


¿En qué tiempo me llega el Directorio una vez pagado?

R= EN MENOS DE MINUTO mediante un link de descarga para su PC.


Diego Álvarez Ferrer

Directorios Empresariales


Cel. / Whatsapp: 04455 9164 4927

Disponible las 24 horas por whatsapp.






Avast logo

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de virus.

21 junio 2017

Here's an idea that could make you a small fortune...

Hi blue2604.geteven,

I'm not one to just go around and tell my friends random things� If you know me, then you know that I always like to make sure that I know what I'm talking about first.

This is why I waited so long before telling you what is in this email.

One of my closest friends works at a high tech medical firm. They discovered a very successful cure for a certain type of tumor.

For some odd reasons though, their share price crashed through the floor. It went from 2 bucks to like 10 cents over the last few weeks.

My buddy believes that this is due to people being misinformed regarding a new trump policy.

The reality is, the company I'm telling you about right now is about to get f d a approval in the next few weeks and their price is guaranteed to go up more than 15 times its current price.

This is why I think you should take a very close look at q's'm'g (without the apostrophes of course). This is the ticker of the company in question.

If you want something that's practically a sure bet, I recommend you get in this stock today. Even if it's for a modest amount.

You'll be in for a good ride.

Best Regards,
Nicky Wilder

Here's an idea that could make you a small fortune...

Hi blue2604.geteven,

I'm not one to just go around and tell my friends random things� If you know me, then you know that I always like to make sure that I know what I'm talking about first.

This is why I waited so long before telling you what is in this email.

One of my closest friends works at a high tech medical firm. They discovered a very successful cure for a certain type of tumor.

For some odd reasons though, their share price crashed through the floor. It went from 2 bucks to like 10 cents over the last few weeks.

My buddy believes that this is due to people being misinformed regarding a new trump policy.

The reality is, the company I'm telling you about right now is about to get f d a approval in the next few weeks and their price is guaranteed to go up more than 15 times its current price.

This is why I think you should take a very close look at q's'm'g (without the apostrophes of course). This is the ticker of the company in question.

If you want something that's practically a sure bet, I recommend you get in this stock today. Even if it's for a modest amount.

You'll be in for a good ride.

Best Regards,
Joel Skinner

20 junio 2017

This company just found a huge cure and no one knows about it yet!

Did you ever read an article online, or in a magazine praising some so called guru for making a few hundred grand out of just a few thousand by buying just one stock?

These articles are very common and they always make it seem like the guy (or gal) was an expert at this stuff.

I know for a fact that the only way to win in this is to have information that others don't. It's that simple.

If you know that something is going to happen before everyone else does, then you've got the edge.

Just in May, this company I've been watching was trading at a little over 2 bucks alright?

Within days, it got pummeled to just pennies. Apparently, on the incorrect rumor that their new immune  medicine wasn't working.

Now that the dust has settled, it's clear that the information was completely wrong. It just caused a panic, and herd mentality prevailed.

I have an �in� at the company and I know for a fact that not only does this new ground breaking treatment work, but that it just got approved by the f d a.

While this info isn't public yet, once it does become so, you can expect the share price to go right back up to over two dollars. Quite literally overnight. And I am expecting this announcement to come in the next few days.

The symbol you need to buy the stock is q/s/m/g without the / of course. You just give that to your broker or go to your online account and get at least twenty thousand shares.

If you act quickly and get in right now, maybe you'll be one of those cool winner stories people write about in magazines and articles.

Not sure where to invest? Here's a sure bet.

Our country is going through a strange era. Recent political changes have oddly affected the markets and pretty much most stocks are on over drive right now.

If you have just a few thousand bucks to put into something, picking a winning company is not very easy since everything is so inflated.

I do however know of one that could be life changing. You know, it's a situation like one of those that you only read in the newspaper.

How a guy got really lucky when he put a few thousand in some small company and he made out like a bandit.

Is it just luck though? Or is there more to it than meets the eye?

I have it on good authority that a small medical research company has made a giant breakthrough in getting approval for a rare form of cancer.

Their shares were at over 2 bucks a couple of months ago, but sank to just a few cents when rumors spread that the treatment was ineffective in people.

Those rumors were not false, but they were based on segmented information.

The truth is that the treatment works and the company just got it past government approval.

The news is not public yet, though. At just a few cents a share, you have no downside. You can get in right now at rock bottom and watch it go right back to where it was a few months ago (to over 2 bucks) in a matter of hours once the announcement is out.

The symbol you need to use for the stock is q-s-m-g without the hyphens of course. You just give that to your broker or put it in yourself online in your portal and get in.

Maybe, you too, can make the newspapers for being a "lucky" person but you and I both know the real story.

19 junio 2017

Can you really make ten fold on your principal in just a few days?

With today's political climate, it is becoming increasing difficult to find winning stocks.

It's even more difficult to find that once in a blue moon company that you can get in and get a big hit with real quick.

Trump's policies are changing every day and there's no way to know what tomorrow brings to the markets.

That's why I am very fortunate to have stumbled upon a sure bet...

There's a small company that has just discovered a ground breaking medicine for tumors.

Without boring you with details, it's essentially the most effective treatment for cancer right now.

That caught the attention of the big boys and they're buying out this small company for about ten times its current market price.

This is set to occur by Friday. When the news is made public, the price will jump overnight. It's now at just around 0.20.

You do the math. Your upside is big.

The symbol is q.s.m.g

This is what you need to use in order to get shares. Move quick before others find out.

Can you really make ten fold on your principal in just a few days?

With today's political climate, it is becoming increasing difficult to find winning stocks.

It's even more difficult to find that once in a blue moon company that you can get in and get a big hit with real quick.

Trump's policies are changing every day and there's no way to know what tomorrow brings to the markets.

That's why I am very fortunate to have stumbled upon a sure bet...

There's a small company that has just discovered a ground breaking medicine for tumors.

Without boring you with details, it's essentially the most effective treatment for cancer right now.

That caught the attention of the big boys and they're buying out this small company for about ten times its current market price.

This is set to occur by Friday. When the news is made public, the price will jump overnight. It's now at just around 0.20.

You do the math. Your upside is big.

The symbol is q.s.m.g

This is what you need to use in order to get shares. Move quick before others find out.

In less than 5 days this company could yield you a ten bagger

Good morning!

I've been involved in the markets for a few decades now and I'll be the first to tell you that things have never been as uncertain as they are today.

With a new administration heading our country, it's becoming increasingly difficult to get the edge in the markets.

At least, we can always count on lady luck to come in handy when we need her.

A friend of mine founded a small medical company a few years ago and he has been researching a novel way of using the immune system to kill tumors.

After extensive tests and lengthy approval processes, he finally got the green light on this life changing new therapy.

Because of that, a big pharma has put in an offer to buy out the entire company. At essentially 10 times the current trading value.

This guarantees that if you get shares today at under 20 cents each, you will cash out ten times that amount by Friday.

The ticker which you need to use to buy is the first letter of each of these words:

Quest, Start, Mega, Great

Together they make up the 4 letter symbol which you need. Get in as fast as you can before the price jumps.

16 junio 2017

You can make more than ten times your principle with just this 1 stock

It's been at least a few months since the last time I had the chance to share something amazing with you but if you recall you really made a mint on that last company.

Earlier today I got lucky because as I was having a bite with one of my good friends who works at a top banking firm, he let me in on a little "secret".

Basically they're working on closing a deal for a forbes 100 pharmaceutical company to purchase the entirety of a small drug maker that's just completed a cure for prostate tumors.

The company that's being acquired is trading at just a few pennies right now but the big pharma is paying around a buck a share for it.

This means if you grab shares today you'll be able to make at least ten times what you put in.

The symbol which you need to give your broker or put into your brokerage is the first letter of each of these words:


Together they make up the 4 letter symbol which you need. Act quickly before other people get wind of this.

13 junio 2017

Let me tell you why this stock will go up 10x by next week.

Haven't heard from me in a while right? That's because I'm not one to waste your time.

Whenever I do email you, it's because I've got something good. Really good.

My good friend who works at the big VC out in NY invited me for a bite yesterday. Nothing unusual, we always eat lunch together right?

However yesterday he gave me a really amazing piece of information and I want to share that with you.

The place he works at is basically injecting more or less 50 mill into this small American company that's in the cannabis business. Apparently, they've got some really amazing distribution and even better technologies.

Anyway... to make a long story longer he said the value they are coming in at is right around 1.20 a share and that this announcement will be made public some time in the next few days.

Given that the shares are at just 12 cents right now, do you have any idea what's going to happen when the announcement is out?

Yep, you guessed right... It's going to jump up 10 times, literally overnight.

The cannabis company is: Bella tora Inc.

You can buy it if you type E C G R in your brokerage account.

Feel free to tell only your closest friends about this. I really have no clue when the next time I get a tip will be.

Take care,
Adela Bartlett

🌴 Verano en Vallarta, Cancún o Cabos, 4 días x solo $4,990 MXN por familia


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Copyright © 2017 Marketing 4 Resorts

Let me tell you why this stock will go up 10x by next week.

Haven't heard from me in a while right? That's because I'm not one to waste your time.

Whenever I do email you, it's because I've got something good. Really good.

My good friend who works at the big VC out in NY invited me for a bite yesterday. Nothing unusual, we always eat lunch together right?

However yesterday he gave me a really amazing piece of information and I want to share that with you.

The place he works at is basically injecting more or less 50 mill into this small American company that's in the cannabis business. Apparently, they've got some really amazing distribution and even better technologies.

Anyway... to make a long story longer he said the value they are coming in at is right around 1.20 a share and that this announcement will be made public some time in the next few days.

Given that the shares are at just 12 cents right now, do you have any idea what's going to happen when the announcement is out?

Yep, you guessed right... It's going to jump up 10 times, literally overnight.

The cannabis company is: Bella tora Inc.

You can buy it if you type E C G R in your brokerage account.

Feel free to tell only your closest friends about this. I really have no clue when the next time I get a tip will be.

Take care,
Jan Matthews

Here's why this company's shares are about to go up tenfold next week.

Yes, it's been some time since I reached out to you with something good but trust me� the wait will have been worth it.

I promised you that I'd only give you a tip if I had something spectacular, and today I do.

Remember my buddy in California who works at Accel? I had lunch with him yesterday and he told me that he firm is about to invest 50 million bucks into a small Marijuana company.

Basically they make weed vaporizers and their stuff is flying off the shelf because both weed, and vaporizers are all the craze right now.

Anyway, long story short, they're putting all that cash in the company at a price of $1.17 per share and yes you guessed it� it's way higher than where the stock price is as we speak.

The price is at just over 10 cents right now. This means that when they announce their involvement in a few days it should go up about tenfold overnight.

In fact, if you look at the chart, the price was at a little over 2 dollars a few weeks ago. My buddy tells me that his firm �crashed' it artificially so that they'd have more bargaining power at the table and it makes sense... They're coming in at just $1.17 instead of over 2 dollars.

Nonetheless this is a really rare chance for us to get in. I'll pick up at least 50,000 shares today and I think you should do the same.

The name of the company is Bellatora Inc. and its ticker is ECGR. If you do decide to tell a couple of your friends, please do me a favor and don't mention me by name.

Dallas Hardin